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Emell’s Creative Journey
From Sewing to Concept Art

Born as a child of a tailor and a sewer, Emell early learned about the different techniques of sewing and creating clothes and accesoires. Her first pair of pants she designed at the age of eleven, and by the age of 17 she even had her own first fashion show.
While she was studying, she worked as a choreographer and fitnesstrainer, as a stylist and as a photographer. Emell is always looking for new ways to express her creativity and out to find extended techniques to give her mind a visible look. By the time her work changed and increased. She now wants to be seen as an artist focusing on Concept art, paintings, and as a designer for fashion and interior concepts. She is young, full of ideas, and lives for her work in a passionate way. Her main target in life would be to make and create as much good work as possible. Therefor she has the tattoos “create or die” and “love or leave” on her arms. Emell is living and working in Paderborn (Germany) and Istanbul (Turkey).

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